

GOA is happy to announce that, as a result of our successful pilot program last summer, The Regional Arts and Culture Council has kindly awarded us a grant to work with our friends at New Avenues for Youth on a series of adventures–as well as a great final project–for ’09.

Throughout the summer, we’ll be getting these awesome young people out into some of the beautiful natural areas around Portland, and writing about and photographing our adventures. Then, we’ll be working with the young folks to help them produce a book of their work by the end of the year.

Thanks RACC!

Looking forward to it, New Aves!

A scene from last year's Willamette paddle with New Aves.

A scene from last year's Willamette paddle with New Aves.

One of the most incongruous sounds in the wilderness (in our humble opinion) is the ratchety-raspy machine-like defense/distress call of an alarmed squirrel. We’re (obviously) having a hard time describing it, but will tell you with certainty that when you are hiking in the woods, you’ll darn well know when you’ve managed to perturb one of these critters.

Of course, the ones we are used to seeing around town would have time to do nothing but rasp themselves silly if they made all that fuss in, say, your local park. Nope, like the ravens and crows we talked about in the previous post, our squirrel neighbors have learned not just to live, but to thrive among us.

They do love our attics, decks, and sheds, and are only too happy to take up residence therein. (You didn’t think they were all out there building nests in trees, did you?)

They are also pretty darn smart when it comes to getting fed. They find bird feeders pretty easy pickings, much to the annoyance of many. No matter what contraptions we invent to keep them off the feeders, they seem to solve the puzzle. Take a look at this video from a British documentary:

Pretty remarkable, huh?

Whichever of the noisy, omnipresent black birds we have here in Portland (we believe it’s ravens, please correct us if we’re wrong), they are always a reminder that bit of wild nature still exist in the midst of our busy city lives.

While their call may not be the most mellifluous sound you ever heard, and there are theories out there that they may have something to do with the declining numbers of songbirds, there’s one thing you can’t take away from them: They know not only how to live among us humans, but to use our technology for their own purposes–in ways that are pretty amazing, actually.

Here’s a youtube clip of some pretty clever crows using cars as giant rolling nutcrackers–even refining the technique to work with crosswalks and traffic signals:

How did they come upon this knowledge? Probably just a coincidence the first time, but to put two and two together like that and actually plan that outcome is . . . well, it’s beyond anything we’d ever think possible for a bird, put it that way.

There are lots more such clips on youtube, Like this one where a crow uses bread (which, mind you, he could just as well eat himself) to catch a fish (looks like a Bluegill to us).

Kind of makes you wonder just who we have living among us, doesn’t it?

All 58?

Ken Burns’ latest film project got us thinking: would it be reasonable, (or even a remotely possible) goal to try and visit every last one of America’s national parks in one’s lifetime? Our searching of the interwebs has uncovered at least one man who did so–who, in fact, did even better by visiting all 388 sites in the NP system.

As you can tell by Alan Hogenauer’s story, 388 was a 50-year project. It wouldn’t take nearly as long to get the 58 parks (heck, a busy week or so in and around Utah could net you seven of them right there) but it would, of course still take some serious time and effort.

We’ve googled ourselves silly and we’re kind of surprised that we can’t find anyone else who has done it–just a lot of people who have stated visiting every national park as a lifetime goal. Will they get there? Who knows.

There are quite a few people who have visited every Major League ballpark, however, in case you were interested.

So, if you want to do this seemingly very doable thing that surprisingly few people (maybe just one?) have done, we’re thinking the keys are dedication and getting a somewhat early start.

So go do it!

Yosemite National Park

Yosemite National Park

Oh, and if you do, please take your camera!

The benefits of spending time outdoors–whether it be a major backpacking trip or just sitting on the grass under a tree–are for all intents and purposes, inarguable.

Fresh air, exercise, sunshine, new experiences . . . no one in their right mind would contend that these aren’t healthy, important, and fun.

But why do we at Great Outdoors Academy find that writing, drawing, or photographing our experiences outdoors are just as healthy, important, and fun?

First of all, and perhaps most mundanely, it helps us remember. If we stumble upon a great campsite, walk, or vista, we want to mark down how, when, and why we got there so we can return some day, or tell a friend how to get there.

Secondly, it helps us connect in real time with the place we find ourselves in. Most of the time, our minds are swirling with thoughts and very few get through to the point that we actually notice them and how they are affecting us. Writing helps us know what is going on in the lives of our minds at any given moment.

Writing outside, we get to discover ourselves and the world at the same time.

You won't know until you get there.

You won't know until you get there.

Last but not least, we find that what we write about, we care about. If we sit by a clear mountain stream and take photos, write about, or paint the pristine scene we are enjoying–only to come back a year later and find it littered with camp trash, we tend to take that personally, and want to do something about it.

Long story short (pun intended) the expressive arts help us belong to the outdoors, and help the outdoors belong to us.

The Camping Guitar

Anyone who loves the outdoors and also plays the guitar (even if you just know a few chords!) should have a camping guitar.

Sitting around the campfire, you’re the rock star you always thought you should be. Hey, who else is around to steal your thunder, right? All the attention is right where it should be–on you, my friend.

We’ve always found that people love a good singalong, and they’ll really let loose with their vocal prowess much more readily in the wild–if only to keep the bears away.

So what makes a good camping guitar? Well naturally, it’s got to be an instrument that you don’t mind scratching up a bit, dragging through the dirt, leaning on a tree–even using for firewood if necessary (kidding, sort of). Other than that, it’s just important to pick something that will stay in tune.

But the two most important things are: don’t ever spend any more than fifty bucks for a camping guitar, and never EVER play “The House at Pooh Corner” by Kenny Loggins.

campfire guitar

TImberline Murals

At GOA, we love it when the arts and the outdoors come together in timeless fashion. Oregonian writer Larry Bingham took a look this week into the life and work of Douglas Lynch, the Portland artist who created the outstanding murals at Timberline Lodge. The story and photos are here.

One of the things that struck us most about the story is how, during the recovery plans from the Great Depression, jobs were included for writers and artists.

It’s just kind of interesting to think there was a time when those sorts of things were thought of as important, ya know?

Douglas Lynch Mural

Summer Programs Announced!

GOA is very pleased to announce our Summer 09 expedition schedule. There’s some new stuff, some old faves, and some new stuff added to an old fave.

So take a look, see what strikes you and let us know if you’d like to apply!


Willamette Canoe Expedition
June 15-18

GOA has again partnered with Willamette Riverkeeper to bring you four exciting days of floating, exploration, photography and journaling our way down the historic Willamette. We’ll spend three nights camping along the riverbank, observing the fascinating wildlife and ecosystem of the mighty Willamette. Included is a half-day of pre-trip training, including a swimming and tip test.
$250 $50 deposit

Seeking the Last Wild Buffalo
July 6-10
On this new expedition, we will be exploring Southern Utah’s remote Henry Mountains, home of the last wild herd of buffalo in the world, and with any luck we’ll get a sighting of these magnificent creatures. You will also learn backpacking, primitive camping, and fire-making skills.
Leave and return to Salt Lake City.
$500 $100 deposit

High Cascades Oregon
July 20-24
Join us as we travel through the scenic wilds of Central Oregon, hiking, climbing, and telling the story of what we discover on this adventure. This five-day expedition will start in Portland and loop down through the Three Sisters Wilderness, over to rock- climbing mecca Smith Rock State Park, then up to the Deschutes river canyon, returning to Portland along the Columbia River.

Enrollment is limited to youth in DHS care. If interested, please inquire with Oregon office.

Olympic Coastal Backpack
August 3-8
Hike Washington’s stunning coastline, explore tide pools while eagles soar overhead, and climb rope ladders up into to the pristine Pacific Rainforest. This year we’re adding a two -day backpack over high passes in the nearby Olympic Range, as well as a service project for the National Park Service.
$400 $50 deposit

Two Wheels of Freedom
August 17-21
Join us for a van-supported supported adventure by bicycle in Central Idaho. We’re still putting the details together, but if you like biking and the outdoors, this will be a great expedition for you.
Must bring or rent your own bicycle equipped for on-road travel, or arrange with us early to borrow one. Helmet rules strictly enforced.
$450 $50 deposit

Schedule and availability subject to change without notice. And stuff.

As noted by the Oregonian earlier this week, the Senate–in a rare Sunday session–moved to preserve 125,000 Acres on and around Mt. Hood as designated wilderness.

We here at GOA think this is great news. Mt. Hood is a magnificent treasure, and it should be kept as pristine as possible. Lots of folks use the mountain for many different things–as well they should–but ensuring that such a large chunk of it will remain as nature made it is just a great idea all the way around.

Here’s to a lifetime of enjoying the quiet places that will now remain on this majestic mountain.

mount hood

85 Years and Climbing

We were quite taken with this fellow Northwesterner, and will be very happy indeed if we can still do the things we love to do outdoors at anywhere near his age.

Watch this amazing video!

Membership may be required, but you should probably have a membership to the New York Times anyway, shouldn’t you, smarty pants?